Institute for Fiscal Studies logo and text showing agile analytics for sprint insights

Agile Analytics

Software Development Management assisted by A.I.

Modern desk, perfect for home office setup with computer, monitor and keyboard

Decisions, Decisions

How do you make decisions in your software development process?

Datadog logo: monitoring & telemetry, devops, agile

Screenshot of "Pied Piper SRE & Error Budgets" with

Retake grip on your software projects

A collection of unique features

Each feature gives you a highly valuable insight on the productivity and progress of your software development team.

"Happy art logo recreating world with bright gesturing 'C'

Fresh electric-blue logo brand graphics in circle & rectangle font symbol.

    Error Budgets

    • A real-time visualisation of the service level

    • Focus on feature development as much as possible

    • Actionable data for managing the reliability of your services

    • You build it, you run it


Greenwich Pizza logo w/ text "0": tasty slices to zero

    Sprint Insights

    • Creates more focus and data-driven decisions in your team

    • Provide clear insights in the feature development balance

    • Automatically registers the time spent on feature versus not-feature work


Electric-blue grass pattern logo w/ sloped rectangle font.


    • Celebrate team achievements together

    • Reward each other with Kudos

    • Have a little fun and recognize each other! (🎈, ⭐, 👍)


"Logo for GoldWave digital audio editor: yellow waves forming a

    Leaks & Stock

    • Get a clear insight in your teams’ software waste

    • Figure out where software stock is created

    • Automatically scan your Git repositories on ‘lost’ keys

    • Easily mark the key and solve the incident

Colourful circle pattern on electric-blue twig logo in rectangular

Rect. slope plot, tri., line, par. symm., text

Track DORA metrics to continuously improve your DevOps performance


Happy Nerds are productive Nerds